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December Burnout


If I’m being honest this year has been a real struggle both professionally and personally and I have hit complete burnout. I think updating my website last week was the final straw! My hand is crippled from the amount of drawing I’ve been doing. My back is knackered. I have terrible brain fog. My stomach is playing up due to the stress I’ve been under and my general anxiety is through the roof. I was planning on finishing for Christmas on the 18th, which would've meant I had time to finish my new map on the Battle of Armentieres. However, I have decided to finish today.

When you are self employed it is important to notice the signs of burnout and I’ve probably been ignoring them for months now. So I am going to take the rest of the year to fix my hand and back the best I can. Try to reduce my stress and anxiety levels. Catch up on some sleep and enjoy spending some time with family and friends. I will be back at work on January the 8th, hopefully refreshed and with my love of drawing back.

I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year and I will see you in January.


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